Photograph of Melisa Haines

About Me

Hello, my name is Melissa

Hello, my name is Melissa Haines and I am a HST Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology SpR. I am also currently an Academic Trainee - NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer. I am the Founder of Infectious Trainee Guru. I was inspired to create this website because I noted that there is a lack of online resources to support all infection speciality based registrars, which is simply not true for other specialities. Wishing you all success with your infection medical careers!

YouTube Channel

This will cover a range of video from helpful hints and tips for new starters as well as rounding up online resources for exam revision and great reasons to take study leave.


Will act as written resource to support my YouTube videos and to share my news.

I have had a long and varied career throughout my life. I describe myself as researcher who become a doctor, who continued to do research. I hope to discuss my journey in more detail on my YouTube channel with the hope of inspiring others. So, I will discuss my PhD prior to medicine, as well as my graduate entry medicine journey and my route into Academic Medicine.

Hope you will enjoy the journey with me!


MA (Cantab) Natural Sciences (Pathology)
PhD Microbiology
MBChB Medicine
PgCert Clinical Trials